Aesthetic solutions.
Digital, Web & Print.

image.affairs is a Berlin-based creative studio specialising in art direction and brand strategy that also designs websites and intuitive user experiences.

The studio devises strategies and visual identities for companies and individuals.
In-depth knowledge of opinion leaders, global fashion trends, current politics and media culture helps clients achieve distinction through intelligent brand stewardship, design thinking and emotional aesthetics.

Design Strategy


WordPress + SEO

UX | UI Design

Agile Methods

Creative Direction

Graphic Design

Corporate Identity

Packaging Design

Print Production

Understanding elusive Millenials means learning their language.

It’s all about people and identities these days. And not just visibly on Instagram and Twitter, but behind all the scenes, too. The grand designs and visions of the last century have made way for a focus on personal experience where society’s current narratives are told through well-marketed storytelling.

While the personal has become more and more political, public focus gets shifted towards the change that happens in our increasingly diverse societies. These changes in the media, in policies and social conduct are naturally also reflected in the way products are designed. More than ever before we now emphasise the customer journey and real user experience by always placing the individual in the center – rather than the idea, that customers would have to fit around.

Accordingly, the way businesses advertise these days has been transformed within the space of just a few years. Companies project ideological messages now and take sides in ongoing public debates, just like political parties or NGOs once used to. Brands become allies for mindsets and communities, realising the need to adapt to stay relevant in the arena of social media and public debates. Classic print or TV advertising is pretty much dead. The rise of  influencers shows no real sign of stopping anytime soon.

Under this light, understanding the enormous cultural changes happening currently has become vital for cultivating authentic and relevant brand images. Being aware of cultural agendas, of fashion trends and of key public players – popular movements, opinion makers, media outlets and party politics – is now mandatory. You have to stay in touch with your audiences.

GILETTE has controversially waded into social debates of late. © Gilette/Procter&Gamble

Now that understanding people – customers, users, stakeholders, politicians, influencer – has become more important than ever, we need to understand identity. In times of near-ubiquitous choice and political and ecological awareness, products, gadgets and services become synonymous with our personalities. Our choices determine who we perceive ourselves to be. Always attached to our phones, we instagram our favourite hangout locations and share our political opinions and causes we support. We allow products into our lives, and they populate our social media feeds and represent and facilitate our lifestyles and ambitions. These products and services have identities: the stronger they are, the more attached we feel.

‘Share’ is a plastic-bottled water with social ambitions. © share GmbH

Understanding what your product represents emotionally achieves more than just simple target audience definition. It creates authenticity and believability. Your brand building process must be explorative and empathic to be authentic. You need to be more today: more authentic, more content, more engagement. How does this product make me feel? How ethical is this service? Does this fit my identity, will I profit from it, and will it look good? Or you Don’t Really Care, Do U?

Your business and product need to be memorable to forge true connections. Lasting memories are made up of touch points: great customer service, intuitive websites, best practices, a beautiful shop, haptic materials, cool animations, poignant logos – and a unique and strong brand message.

Branding and presentation will become ever more important.

Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I’m Marcus Kleinfeld, a designer with a professional background in the visual arts. I work with private businesses, startups and lifestyle brands on their products, concepts and identities. Brands are just as interesting and engaging as people once you work out how to get them to speak authentically.

Beside my design practice, I also research and practice agile methods. Through an emphasis on interpersonal relations, trust and responsibility, agile practice drives cultural change today. I’m grateful to do my part to further and promote a better way of working with and relating to one another. Feel free to get in touch, and let’s have coffee together.

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