Hörgeräte Hersteller Hearing Aid

New definitions of hearing.

            ProjectRebranding pitch for global hearing aids supplier and manufacturer audibene (Germany) / hear.com (US). Following the process of their own misguided attempts at rebranding their rather dated-looking online and brand appearance in-house, the client decided to hire me to deliver some external perspectives and branding approaches.

As the client was keen on using visual devices as background for text copy, I devised subtly transparent circles or ‘bubbles’ in the suggested colour scheme as visual devices in my main pitch. The general mood was kept light and airy and modern, with a clean-living and conscious touch catering to an ageless target audience in tidy interiors und natural living environments crossing from urban to country. A second pitch opened a different, considerably more energetic, colourful and youthful perspective. Masked foreground subjects were pitted against flat-colour backdrops, and simple emotions and actions positively illustrated in a way that embodied liveliness and joyfulness. The motives were also rather effective and placative, sure to attract attention on billboards or other ads.

An example for the semi-masked subjects and potential composition solutions.
One option of displaying the hearing aid product as an attractive lifestyle choice.


The alternative pitch used colour-blocked backgrounds together with strong graphic design elements, and also suggested new logos for the brand.

Physically active yet mindful modern lifestyles – new hearing as an enhancement to our daily lives, across the generations.


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