More than just PowerPoint.

Project — In late 2019 Accenture asked me to pitch an alternative rebranding proposal for the in-house creative department of one of the world’s largest investment banks (Morgan Stanley – their branding has been swapped for UBS’ for portfolio reasons). The client’s main goal was getting their employees to use their own creative department more regularly, instead of sourcing out creative jobs to expensive independent agencies.
My proposal focused on dealing creatively with the new brand name ‘Brush’ that the team at Accenture had come up with for the client’s department. While the name had apparently been chosen to communicate ‘artistic’ ambition to the bank’s employees, its overly descriptive allegory of artistic production was a challenge I dealt with by unapologetically creating a brush font logo while juxtaposing it with ultra-minimal imagery, fresh colours and slick contemporary art that is decidedly not painterly (Jeff Koons here).

Show them what you’re made of.